Wednesday, December 14, 2011

St. Lucia - a day late!

We skipped on the saffron buns (Lucy cakes) but had white fish, boiled potatoes and baby peas for dinner. That was Swedish enough - right? : )

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Pine Cone Santa - a memory of Tinsley

Certain trinkets of Christmas bring back memories of dear friends who departed way before their time. My best friend Tinsley gave me this Santa (which was crafter dby her dear friend Maria) the year of Tinsley's last Christmas. I miss you every day, my friend.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Just a little bit - like Christmas

Bit by bit the tinsel and balls are coming out -

 St. Lucia is almost here - hooray for meatballs and saffron buns
 An Into Vintage stocking creation by Amy - love that vintage linen.

Three cheers for prims for me and Apothic for the guests.

Christmas gatherings 2011

A post holiday gathering - lasagna

yet holiday happy!