Saturday, March 31, 2012

Snake Memory - SSssssssssss not funny!

May 5 - 2010 OMG The thunder started, ran to shut windows and saw a "stick" resting outside the kitchen window - but I was wrong - it was a Sssssssssssnake . A corn snake. Please don't return this May Mr. Snake.
Click on pic for the super fear element

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Bul

Many Phoenix projects have risen under J's hand. His favorite hobby is fixing that which has been forgotten and forsaken.

The Bultaco is cleaning up "pretty darn good."

Sunday, March 4, 2012

TREE (the 2nd and best part)

"And this, our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything." ~ William Shakespeare

(click on pictures to enlarge)

The dictionary states that

"A memorial is an object which serves as a focus for memory of something, usually a person (who has died) or an event."

 Well - how morbid sounding is that? Yikes! I think I prefer this definition

 - "an object served as a memory of something."

Going to add - (of something) remembered with wonder, appreciation, devotion, respect, comfort, and love.  

 I believe this is what our dear friend and artist PN intended in his creation of this amazing watercolor which was gifted to us as a thank you for participating in the arboreal "closing ceremonies."

While the favored tree is no longer in PN's view - his  artistic rendition is in ours. Placed on a humble yet visible wall, we enjoy the view - daily!  With our love and appreciation, C and J

TREE (part 1)

"If you would know strength and patience, welcome the company of trees."
                                        ~ Hal Borland

(today's trees from the back deck - click on pic to enlarge.)

Bringing a tree motif/design indoors makes the life journey even more of an adventure!

I have always been surrounded by trees. Living in a location/climate that doesn't present trees highlighted by the four seasons is not a place I could ever choose to live. Trees with soft, sweet blooming in the spring to summer, in colorful foliage of autumn, or barren limbed and coated in ice/snow throughout the winter present the yearly journey we all must take. We would have no direction minus the visible seasons through the trees.  ~ cvw159