Monday, May 30, 2011

The dark and dreary flowers

More like dead and dried flowers. After the black eyed Susans had their time in the sun and shared their brilliant yellow with all of us I waited and used their remains for a rather interesting display at the bottom of the steps. Dark and dreary!

When I think of fresh cut flowers

I think of my neighbor Liz who spoils me terrible by randomly stopping by with flowers from her garden to my vase and table!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Doilies not dollies

My doll collecting is for another blog but if there were no dolls in the world, my mind would set on vintage linens - washed, starched, ironed and displayed with pride and wonderment. Who made them and who owned them? History and backstory.

Doilies, lace and textiles are part of my linen realm. Well - no lace yet but Queenie from Lark Rise and the royal wedding gown have piqued my curiosity.

And so for segue's sake let me say that doll friends (this is going somewhere) listen and care and respond probably better than any real deal friend I have. When a surprise package arrived from AnnMarie with DOILIES in it I couldn't wait to refresh them and display them. Thank you so so much my friend!!